Naskah Drama Romeo & Juliet Bahasa Inggris
Naskah Drama Romeo & Juliet Bahasa Inggris - Drama adalah suatu susunan dialog atau naskah yang membentuk sebuah cerita yang nantinya akan dipentaskan oleh aktor atau pemeran drama. Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam drama adalah persiapan dan juga para pemeran yang harus menjiwai naskah drama tersebut agar para penonton dapat terbawa kedalam suasana cerita. Untuk dapat menjiwai sebuah naskah atau dialog diperlukan berbagai proses yang memakan waktu yang lama. Namun apalah daya karena sebagai seorang aktor kita harus menghafal skenario dan naskah drama dengan baik. Tantangan yang paling sulit dalam sebuah drama adalah ketika kita harus memerankan atau menggunakan bahasa asing dalam skenario.
Pada artikel kali ini materi4belajar akan membahas tentang contoh naskah drama dalam bahasa inggris yang berjudul Romero Dan Juleha yang merupakan plesetan dari cerita cinta terkenal yang berjudul romeo dan juliet. Menariknya lagi contoh naskah drama ini berbahasa inggris yang tentunya akan menambah tantangan dalam menghafal.
Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Baiklah langsung saja anda simak naska drama dibawah ini. Perhatikan semua latar dan juga instruksi mulai dari background, backsound agar contoh naskah drama bahasa inggris ini dapat berjalan secara maksimal.
(Sound Opening)
In Minangkabau there are 2 Kingdoms hostile long since. One day, one of them make a party dance. King and queen invite all people at the country. Their daughter , Princess Juleha will be introduced. All prince who invite is excited to attend a party. But the one of them not that. His name is Romero.
1. Romero Kingdom
Romero : (Romero is busy with his activities)
Robbin : Do you know, there is a fantastic news come from across Kingdom!!
Romero : Hay…..Why do you look so happy like this?? Is it a shocking news??
Harry : There is a party. All of people in the country
Romero : What do you means ? I really don’t understand what are you talking about? party? princess?
Robbin : Come on guys, don’t think only about war again. Open your eyes and look out.
Harry : You are right (menunjuk Robbin). This is opportunity for you Romero. You will meet princess than finally will be your wife.
Romero : Stop! Don’t talk about that again.
Robbin : Are you crazy Romero?? She is princess Juleha, the most beautifull princess in the world.
Romero : Okay guys, we will come to the party.
Robbin&Harry: Yeahhh!! We have fun together.
2. Juleha Kingdom when then party held
Romero and his friends come to the party. All the people is dancing and enjoy the party except Romero. Suddenly from another corner appear beautifull princess. She is princess Juleha.
(Backsound Slank : Pandangan Pertama)
Romero : (kneeling in front of princess Juleha) Would you dance with me ?
Juleha : (silent for a few minutes and give her hand to Romero. Then they are dancing together)
Romero : I feel happy can see you. You are beautifull.
Juleha : Thank you so much prince.
(Backsound : Goyang Morena & Oplosan)
The party is ended and all the people go home included Romero and his friends.
3. Romero Kingdom
After they meet at a party, Romero feel falling in love with Juleha.
Romero : What happen to me? Why Juleha always in my mind.
(Backsound stinky: Mungkinkah)
Robbin : Why do you look nervous?
Harry : Do you have a problem?
Romero : I think about princess Juleha latterly, may be I am falling in love with her.
Robbin : Ohh my god !! Are you serious? Hahahaha
Harry : I have been guess.
Romero : What should I do?
Robbin : Meet her!! I am sure that she love you too.
4. Juleha Kingdom
In the Juleha kingdom, she think’s about Romero and falling in love too. She ask to her aunt who have take care since juleha was baby to help.
Juleha : Why Romero always in my mind? What happen with me? I want to meet him again but I am afraid.
Aunt : Don’t be sad Juleha, you falling in love with Romero.
Juleha : Really ??
Aunt : You should believe with your heart. Meet him soon as possible !! Don’t be afraid, I will support you.
Juleha : Thank you for your advice.
5. Field (The secret place which usually used Romero dan Juleha to meet)
After few days Juleha and Romero often meeting in the secret place without everyone know it . One day they plan to meet in the field.
(Backsound : angin, burung, lagu Cinta Sejati)
Romero : I never think that we can meet again.
Juleha : I think so, but I sure that we are soulmate.
Romero : (Holding Juleha hand) I love you so much.
Juleha : I love you too Romero.
6. Juleha Kingdom
Juleha mother begin to suspicious Juleha’s behavior that often lost and don’t know where is she.
Mother : How about give in marriage Juleha with prince Robbin at quickly.
Father : You are right my wife. As soon as possible we have to plan the party.
Father : Where have you been?
Juleha : (Silence)
Mother : Why don’t you not answer ? Have you been meet with someone?
Juleha : Emmmmmmm, I am from the flower garden mom. I am tired, I will go sleep. Good night dad, good night mom. (MASUK KE KAMAR)
7. Field (The secret place which usually used Romero dan Juleha to meet)
Feel their relationship has been known, then they decided to get married stealth to keep them together.
Juleha : Romero, our relationship is not favour by my parents, especially mothers. So what should we do?
Romero : Let we married secretly to unite our love.
Juleha : Okay
(Backsound Judika Mapala)
8. Mosque
In the small mosque romero and Juleha married.
Kyai : I marry off and I wed off my real daughter Juleha to you with the dowry in cash.
Romero : I accept her marriage and wedding Juleha daughter of Mr.…………with the dowry mentioned above in cash.
Juleha : (smiling happily and kissed the hands of Romero)
(Backsound : Janji Suci)
9. Juleha Kingdom
Juleha’s mother know that Romero and Juleha wedding. Juleha’s mother ask Juleha leave Romero.
(Backsound masalah)
Mother : I do not agree if you with Romero. Leave him start this second!
Juleha : I can’t mother. I love her very much.
Mother : Do you forget, they are the enemies of our kingdom.
Juleha : Romero don’t like what you thought.
Mother : My decision is unanimous. Leave him. You will marriage with the prince Robbin
Juleha mother's words still remember clearly in Juleha mind so appear a wild plan.
Juleha : What should I do? I can’t live without Romero. It seems that I have to fall asleep until my wedding is held. They would think I had died and marriage canceled.
10. Physician Place
Juleha meet the royal physician and ask him to make a potion.
Juleha : Do you the great physician?
Physician : Haiya princess. I am chizong alias chino ghozong. What can I do for you?? (with a Chinese accent)
Juleha : make me a special potion
Physician : Haiya, what potions do you need? young and beautiful herb, herb or herb earn handsome man childless handsome, I can make everything because I am the best physicians across the country princess, hohoho. but what should I make?
Juleha : if so that , prove your statement. Make me a potion to make me unconscious like a dead for temporarily.
Physician : Why daughter wants to make such a potion, Haiya?
Juleha : you do not need to know the reason. Do not let the mother know about this. Your job is just make a concoction for me, capable?
Physician: But the princess ......
Juleha: Not !!!! If you want to cooperate with me I'll give you what you want
Physician: Alright, I will make princess.
11. Juleha Kingdom
Potion have done, then the physician give to Juleha. She drink up the potion until finally asleep. People in the kingdom think that Juleha has died .
(Backsound Ungu : Bila Tiba)
Romero heard the news. He come to the Juleha Kingdom to see Juleha for the last time.
Romero : Juleha why do you do this ???
Mother : Do you brave ask that, you are the cause of all this.
Romero : If it was my fault, I will pay for it with my life. I'll catch up.
Romero take the poniard around his waist and swung towards the stomach. When the poniard tare his clothes, Juleha suddenly wake up.
(Backsound pedang dicabut , A Thousand Years)
Juleha : Romero, stop!
Romero : Juleha, you come back to life (terkejut)
Juleha : you right romero , I'm still alive. I just pretended to be dead so that I still with you.
Romero : what do you means?
Mother : enough !!!! you enemy of this kingdom. forget Juleha !!
Juleha : No mother . I really love romero.
Statement Juleha make Juleha’s mother angry and could not control his anger. Then uttered the curse of Juleha’s mother.
Mother : do you brave deny my commands. Do not you want to see your father and mother happy ?? If that's your decision, I never want to admit you as my daughter again. I curse you into stone forever !!!
(Backsound suara petir)
Finally romero and Juleha turned to stone. Father and mother Juleha regret what they say, but all have occurred.
Itulah Naskah atau Dialog Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dapat anda kutip sebagai cerita drama yang akan anda buat. Terimakasih
Pada artikel kali ini materi4belajar akan membahas tentang contoh naskah drama dalam bahasa inggris yang berjudul Romero Dan Juleha yang merupakan plesetan dari cerita cinta terkenal yang berjudul romeo dan juliet. Menariknya lagi contoh naskah drama ini berbahasa inggris yang tentunya akan menambah tantangan dalam menghafal.
Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Baiklah langsung saja anda simak naska drama dibawah ini. Perhatikan semua latar dan juga instruksi mulai dari background, backsound agar contoh naskah drama bahasa inggris ini dapat berjalan secara maksimal.
(Sound Opening)
In Minangkabau there are 2 Kingdoms hostile long since. One day, one of them make a party dance. King and queen invite all people at the country. Their daughter , Princess Juleha will be introduced. All prince who invite is excited to attend a party. But the one of them not that. His name is Romero.
1. Romero Kingdom
Romero : (Romero is busy with his activities)
Robbin : Do you know, there is a fantastic news come from across Kingdom!!
Romero : Hay…..Why do you look so happy like this?? Is it a shocking news??
Harry : There is a party. All of people in the country
Romero : What do you means ? I really don’t understand what are you talking about? party? princess?
Robbin : Come on guys, don’t think only about war again. Open your eyes and look out.
Harry : You are right (menunjuk Robbin). This is opportunity for you Romero. You will meet princess than finally will be your wife.
Romero : Stop! Don’t talk about that again.
Robbin : Are you crazy Romero?? She is princess Juleha, the most beautifull princess in the world.
Romero : Okay guys, we will come to the party.
Robbin&Harry: Yeahhh!! We have fun together.
2. Juleha Kingdom when then party held
Romero and his friends come to the party. All the people is dancing and enjoy the party except Romero. Suddenly from another corner appear beautifull princess. She is princess Juleha.
(Backsound Slank : Pandangan Pertama)
Romero : (kneeling in front of princess Juleha) Would you dance with me ?
Juleha : (silent for a few minutes and give her hand to Romero. Then they are dancing together)
Romero : I feel happy can see you. You are beautifull.
Juleha : Thank you so much prince.
(Backsound : Goyang Morena & Oplosan)
The party is ended and all the people go home included Romero and his friends.
3. Romero Kingdom
After they meet at a party, Romero feel falling in love with Juleha.
Romero : What happen to me? Why Juleha always in my mind.
(Backsound stinky: Mungkinkah)
Robbin : Why do you look nervous?
Harry : Do you have a problem?
Romero : I think about princess Juleha latterly, may be I am falling in love with her.
Robbin : Ohh my god !! Are you serious? Hahahaha
Harry : I have been guess.
Romero : What should I do?
Robbin : Meet her!! I am sure that she love you too.
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4. Juleha Kingdom
In the Juleha kingdom, she think’s about Romero and falling in love too. She ask to her aunt who have take care since juleha was baby to help.
Juleha : Why Romero always in my mind? What happen with me? I want to meet him again but I am afraid.
Aunt : Don’t be sad Juleha, you falling in love with Romero.
Juleha : Really ??
Aunt : You should believe with your heart. Meet him soon as possible !! Don’t be afraid, I will support you.
Juleha : Thank you for your advice.
5. Field (The secret place which usually used Romero dan Juleha to meet)
After few days Juleha and Romero often meeting in the secret place without everyone know it . One day they plan to meet in the field.
(Backsound : angin, burung, lagu Cinta Sejati)
Romero : I never think that we can meet again.
Juleha : I think so, but I sure that we are soulmate.
Romero : (Holding Juleha hand) I love you so much.
Juleha : I love you too Romero.
6. Juleha Kingdom
Juleha mother begin to suspicious Juleha’s behavior that often lost and don’t know where is she.
Mother : How about give in marriage Juleha with prince Robbin at quickly.
Father : You are right my wife. As soon as possible we have to plan the party.
Father : Where have you been?
Juleha : (Silence)
Mother : Why don’t you not answer ? Have you been meet with someone?
Juleha : Emmmmmmm, I am from the flower garden mom. I am tired, I will go sleep. Good night dad, good night mom. (MASUK KE KAMAR)
7. Field (The secret place which usually used Romero dan Juleha to meet)
Feel their relationship has been known, then they decided to get married stealth to keep them together.
Juleha : Romero, our relationship is not favour by my parents, especially mothers. So what should we do?
Romero : Let we married secretly to unite our love.
Juleha : Okay
(Backsound Judika Mapala)
8. Mosque
In the small mosque romero and Juleha married.
Kyai : I marry off and I wed off my real daughter Juleha to you with the dowry in cash.
Romero : I accept her marriage and wedding Juleha daughter of Mr.…………with the dowry mentioned above in cash.
Juleha : (smiling happily and kissed the hands of Romero)
(Backsound : Janji Suci)
9. Juleha Kingdom
Juleha’s mother know that Romero and Juleha wedding. Juleha’s mother ask Juleha leave Romero.
(Backsound masalah)
Mother : I do not agree if you with Romero. Leave him start this second!
Juleha : I can’t mother. I love her very much.
Mother : Do you forget, they are the enemies of our kingdom.
Juleha : Romero don’t like what you thought.
Mother : My decision is unanimous. Leave him. You will marriage with the prince Robbin
Juleha mother's words still remember clearly in Juleha mind so appear a wild plan.
Juleha : What should I do? I can’t live without Romero. It seems that I have to fall asleep until my wedding is held. They would think I had died and marriage canceled.
10. Physician Place
Juleha meet the royal physician and ask him to make a potion.
Juleha : Do you the great physician?
Physician : Haiya princess. I am chizong alias chino ghozong. What can I do for you?? (with a Chinese accent)
Juleha : make me a special potion
Physician : Haiya, what potions do you need? young and beautiful herb, herb or herb earn handsome man childless handsome, I can make everything because I am the best physicians across the country princess, hohoho. but what should I make?
Juleha : if so that , prove your statement. Make me a potion to make me unconscious like a dead for temporarily.
Physician : Why daughter wants to make such a potion, Haiya?
Juleha : you do not need to know the reason. Do not let the mother know about this. Your job is just make a concoction for me, capable?
Physician: But the princess ......
Juleha: Not !!!! If you want to cooperate with me I'll give you what you want
Physician: Alright, I will make princess.
11. Juleha Kingdom
Potion have done, then the physician give to Juleha. She drink up the potion until finally asleep. People in the kingdom think that Juleha has died .
(Backsound Ungu : Bila Tiba)
Romero heard the news. He come to the Juleha Kingdom to see Juleha for the last time.
Romero : Juleha why do you do this ???
Mother : Do you brave ask that, you are the cause of all this.
Romero : If it was my fault, I will pay for it with my life. I'll catch up.
Romero take the poniard around his waist and swung towards the stomach. When the poniard tare his clothes, Juleha suddenly wake up.
(Backsound pedang dicabut , A Thousand Years)
Juleha : Romero, stop!
Romero : Juleha, you come back to life (terkejut)
Juleha : you right romero , I'm still alive. I just pretended to be dead so that I still with you.
Romero : what do you means?
Mother : enough !!!! you enemy of this kingdom. forget Juleha !!
Juleha : No mother . I really love romero.
Statement Juleha make Juleha’s mother angry and could not control his anger. Then uttered the curse of Juleha’s mother.
Mother : do you brave deny my commands. Do not you want to see your father and mother happy ?? If that's your decision, I never want to admit you as my daughter again. I curse you into stone forever !!!
(Backsound suara petir)
Finally romero and Juleha turned to stone. Father and mother Juleha regret what they say, but all have occurred.
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Itulah Naskah atau Dialog Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dapat anda kutip sebagai cerita drama yang akan anda buat. Terimakasih
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